A Simple Way to Switch Audio Codecs in Audio Language Models
When working with language models for audio tasks, switching between different audio representations can be challenging. Let’s say you have a text-to-speech model using a particular audio codec, and a new codec comes along with better quality. The obvious approach would be to retrain your model with the tokens from this new codec. However, language models are typically large and training them from scratch takes a lot of time and resources. So we need a smarter way to transfer our existing model’s knowledge to work with the new codec’s vocabulary.
Here’s a simple approach that has worked well for me:
First, take both your old and new audio codecs. For each audio sample in your dataset, generate tokens using both codecs. Then count how often tokens from each codec appear together in the same files. This gives us a co-occurrence matrix that shows which tokens from the old and new codecs tend to show up together. The assumption here is that tokens that frequently co-occur likely represent similar audio content.
Using this information, we can create a new embedding layer for our model in one of two ways:
- Simple approach: For each token in the new codec, use the embedding vector of its most frequently co-occurring token from the old codec
- Advanced approach: Normalize the co-occurrence matrix so each row (representing a new codec token) sums to 1. Then use these values as weights to create a weighted average of the old embedding vectors for each new token.
Once you have this new embedding layer, simply swap it in place of your old one and update your model to use the new audio codec. You can then continue training with the new codec’s tokens.
I’ve tried this for audio models but I believe it can also be applied to the other domains. I think the idea holds.
Below you can find a simple implementation of the proposed algo.
# First let's add some code to demonstrate the concept
import numpy as np
from collections import defaultdict
def build_codec_mapping(dataset, old_codec, new_codec):
Build co-occurrence matrix between old and new codec tokens
# Initialize co-occurrence matrix
cooccurrence = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int))
# Process each audio sample
for audio in dataset:
# Get tokens from both codecs
old_tokens = old_codec.encode(audio)
new_tokens = new_codec.encode(audio)
# Count co-occurrences
for old_tok in old_tokens:
for new_tok in new_tokens:
cooccurrence[new_tok][old_tok] += 1
return cooccurrence
def create_new_embeddings(cooccurrence, old_embedding_layer):
Create new embedding layer using co-occurrence statistics
new_vocab_size = len(cooccurrence)
embedding_dim = old_embedding_layer.weight.shape[1]
# Initialize new embedding matrix
new_embeddings = np.zeros((new_vocab_size, embedding_dim))
# For each token in new vocabulary
for new_tok_idx, old_tok_counts in cooccurrence.items():
# Normalize counts to get weights
total = sum(old_tok_counts.values())
weights = {k: v/total for k,v in old_tok_counts.items()}
# Compute weighted average of old embeddings
weighted_sum = np.zeros(embedding_dim)
for old_tok_idx, weight in weights.items():
weighted_sum += weight * old_embedding_layer.weight[old_tok_idx]
new_embeddings[new_tok_idx] = weighted_sum
return new_embeddings
def transfer_model_to_new_codec(model, dataset, old_codec, new_codec):
Main function to transfer model to new codec
# Build mapping between old and new codec tokens
cooccurrence = build_codec_mapping(dataset, old_codec, new_codec)
# Create new embedding layer
new_embeddings = create_new_embeddings(cooccurrence, model.embedding_layer)
# Replace old embedding layer
model.embedding_layer.weight.data = new_embeddings
# Update model to use new codec
model.codec = new_codec
return model
# Example usage:
old_codec = AudioCodec(...) # Your original codec
new_codec = AudioCodec(...) # New codec you want to use
dataset = [...] # Your audio dataset
model = transfer_model_to_new_codec(
# Now you can continue training with the new codec